11 Feb

My Personal Motto

For many, many years now, my personal motto has been: Never, never, never give up – but quit easily. It may seem strange at first, but the longer I live with it, the more convinced I become of its relevance.

When I want to accomplish something I will not be put off. But I have learned through my own suffering, and observing the unfortunate (and often unnecessary) suffering of others that you’ll do well to learn to hear and heed that little voice in your head that says, “I really don’t want to be doing this.”

Of course, I don’t advocate giving up too easily, just working on finding the line between easily and too easily. You’ll save a lot of time, a lot of suffering and a lot of wasted effort.

I believe in emulating the water of the stream, and not the rock in the stream more often than not. I love to try to do things that are very difficult, and sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don’t, but I know that as long as I’m alive I can try again – if I want to – and I’ll be wiser the next time around. But maybe that failure is serendipitously leading me to the next great success in my life. I’m always open to shifting my direction, to go around the rock.

09 Feb

Frost Flowers Lace on the Knitting Machine

Knitting on Brother KH930 using img2track

Knitting on Brother KH930 using img2track

Now that I’m up and running again, I thought I would finally make available for download my files for Frost Flower Lace, as I developed them to use with img2track.

Above is the photo of my first sample of this lace pattern successfully knitted on my Brother KH930 using img2track. I was so thrilled!!! when I finally figured out all the steps in writing, loading and knitting the pattern. Several others have now had success with it, as well. Until now I’ve been emailing the files to people individually, but to save the hassle I’ll just put them here, and anyone can download them and try it.

Please keep in mind that these files were developed specifically to use with the Brother 900 series knitting machines and img2track. There are several other ways to produce this lace, and you can find lots of info on the web about it.

If you try it, please let me know how it turns out.

Frost Flowers files click here